67 Year Old Technician With 3 Days Service Gets 3 Months Notice :

In DALTON v FRASER VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION LTD ( 2021 BCPC 146) Judge Skilnick decided that the Plaintiff’s age was such an important Bardal Factor that the reasonable notice period was a pretty shocking 3 months notice. The judge also found that there was no enticement and the poorly worded probationary clauise did not apply .This is what the Court said.

[33]     Older employees, particularly those over 50, may be entitled to a longer period of notice. Age is a factor that bears so importantly upon the prospects for other similar employment and employers who terminate the employment of older employees must appreciate the difficulty that is thrust upon older employees who are on the receiving end of a wrongful dismissal.

My Comments:

Although age is definitely an important Bardal Factor, it is not usually that important where the service is short. In part this is because if older short service workers were automatically entitled to much longer notice periods that younger workers, this would simply create another barrier to the hiring of older workers.

By the way, the Plaintiff represented himself.