Wallace Damages Has Two Components :

In Headley v City of Toronto ( 2019 ONSC 4496 ) Sanderson J. awarded 18 months notice to a 40 year old Shift Supervisor at a homeless shelter who had been employed for 15 years .
Having found that the Plaintiff was unjustly dismissed due to false allegations of theft, the judge also awarded Wallace damages on two separate grounds:
First, $15,000 for the mental distress raising from the manner of dismissal.
Second ,$50,000 for the tangible financial loss caused by the manner of the dismissal as the false accusations of theft impaired his ability to find comparable employment . This is what the judge said :
Wallace Damages for Loss of Income
402      I am satisfied that the unfair allegations that Headley had committed theft, the City’s unfair dismissal on unsubstantiated suspicion of theft, fraud and wilful dishonesty, Anstett’s refusal to respond to his calls so he could request a letter of reference from his immediate supervisor and the inevitable cloud created by that unfairness have foreseeably led to tangible financial loss of income in the ensuing years. Hopefully this Judgment will dispel that cloud.
403      Almost seven years have passed since the termination. Despite having made what I have found were reasonable efforts, Headley has not succeeded in finding a comparable managerial position. At the time of the trial he was still earning roughly half the total income he was earning in June 2012. With the cloud lifted, I expect that Headley will now be able to find a comparable managerial position.
404      I have found that his employment history before the termination illustrates that he was highly motivated, consistently employed, often for more than 40 hours per week. He also volunteered and provided mentoring to others. But for the unfairness in the manner of his termination, including the unfounded allegations of theft, fraud and dishonesty, I find Headley would have had little difficulty obtaining a comparable managerial position and earning comparable income to the income he earned prior to June 25, 2012.
405      Given the guidance given by Iacabucci J. in Wallace that “if the manner of termination affects employment prospects” it may be worth of considerably more compensation” and given the direction of Bastarache J. in Keays that such damages are to be awarded, not by an arbitrary extension of the notice period but through an award that reflects the actual damages, this Court must attempt to assess the actual damages/tangible financial loss caused by the unfair manner of dismissal.
406      The financial consequences to Headley and his family of the manner of his termination have been significant.
407      Bearing in mind the need to avoid duplication by reason of his receipt of damages as a result of the dismissal under the previous heading, I award $50,000 for tangible financial loss caused by the unfair manner of his dismissal.
Lawyers often seem to forget this important aspect of Wallace Damages as they tend to focus on the mental distress element of the case. This case shows that it may be much more profitable to focus how the manner of the dismissal adversely affected the plaintiff’s employability.
I remember  reading about a US case in which the dismissed employee claimed damages for self defamation. In that case he had been falsely accused by his ex employer of theft. The Plaintiff claimed that when he went on job interviews after his dismissal and was asked why was he fired, he was forced to tell the truth by saying ” I was falsely accused of theft “. Not surprisingly, although the interviewer might have appreciated his candour, that comment turned out to be a job killer. His damages were the lost opportunity to land another job.

Doing Zilch re Mitigation Reduces Notice Period from 14 to 12 Months :

In Seykors v Rural Municipality of Lake Lenore ( 2019 SKQB 225 ) Richmond J. reduced the notice period by 2 months where the Plaintiff’s mitigation efforts were minimal and he had not applied for even one job.

Why such a minimal reduction you may ask ?

1) The Plaintiff was age 65.

2) He was a snowplow operator.

3) He didn’t finish high school.

4) He lived in a rural area and was not expected to have to move.

Release of Previous Employer Has No Effect on Termination By Subsequent Employer :

In Manthadi v ASCO Manu ( 2019 ONSC 5572) Fowler Byrne J. had a situation where a 64 year old welder had over 36 years with Company A. Company A sold its business to the Defendant. Company A paid the plaintiff her 8 weeks under the ESA and she signed a release. The defendant immediately hired her on the closing date . She was terminated a few months later.
The Defendant claimed that she was only an employee for a few months.
The judge held that in accordance with Sec 9(1) of the ESA her employment was continuous and therefore for purposes of the ESA she was a 36 year employee. The judge also held that as the Release did not name the Defendant but rather named Company A , it was no effect in regards to her dismissal from the Defendant. She was awarded 20 months notice, with no credit for the 8 weeks termination pay that she got from Company A.
The Judge commented on the common law element of the case as follows:
35      The law also supports this concept of continuous employment for the purposes of common law entitlement to damages for wrongful dismissal: Addison, at para. 22; Violo v. Delphi Communications Inc., 2014 ONSC 7008, at para. 16. Further, as stated in Ariss (ONSC), at para. 38:
If the statutory protection were not enough, Ariss also has the protection provided by the common law. There is nothing in any of the documents executed in 2002 to suggest that NORR intended that former DTM employees would not be credited for their years of service with DTM. Most important, there is nothing to that effect in the offer letter signed by Ariss. In the absence of notice from NORR that Ariss would not be credited for his years of service with DTM, recognition of that service is deemed to be part of Ariss’ contract of employment with NORR (Vinette v. Delta Printing Limited, 2017 ONSC 182, 278 A.C.W.S. (3d) 756, at para. 21).
Q: Therefore how is a purchaser supposed to protect themselves ?
A: Easy.
The new employer should have an employment agreement with the employee stating that for the sole purpose of the ESA , the employee’s prior service will be recognized but that for the purposes of determining any other issue, including their entitlement to common law notice of termination, the start date of the employment is the date of this employment contract.
Remember, now that the ESA provides for an escalation of vacation pay based on years of service, this provision also recognizes prior service.
The good news for the Vendor  is that because the service is deemed to be continuous, they have no obligation to pay either termination pay, severance pay nor common law notice to their  ex-employee.

Termination Clause Waiving Past Service Void as per ESA and a Savings Clause Does Not Help:

In Groves v UTS Consultants ( 2019 ONSC 5605) Justice Nishikawa had a situation where the Plaintiff sold his business by way of a share transaction and then entered into an employment agreement. Prior to the transaction, the plaintiff had been an employee for 22  years. He was terminated 3 years after the purchase.

The termination clause in the new employment agreement read as follows:

This agreement may be terminated in the following manner in the specified circumstances:

b) By the Company at any time for cause without notice or pay in lieu;

c) By the Company at any time without cause provided that the Company provides you with notice in writing or pay in lieu of notice (as salary continuation) or some combination thereof equal to four (4) weeks base salary for each year of service that you have with the Company calculated from the date of this letter (and, for greater certainty, excluding any period of service you had with the Company prior to the date of this letter) with a guaranteed minimum notice or pay in lieu of notice equal to three (3) months base salary; provided that the maximum notice period or pay in lieu of notice that you will receive shall in no circumstances exceed twelve (12) months. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company guarantees that the amounts payable upon termination, without cause, shall not be less than that required under the notice and severance provisions of the Employment Standard Act (Ontario). In addition, the severance package will also include continuation of medical and dental benefits during the severance period. Any variable pay owing to you will be prorated for the year’s service and paid at the time of termination. For greater certainty, you agree that for purposes of calculating any entitlement which you may have arising from the termination, without cause, of your employment with the Company, any prior service with the Company is excluded and you hereby waive and release any prior service entitlements.

The validity of this clause was successfully attacked on the following grounds :

  1. As the clause purported to not count his first 22 years of service, it offended Section 9 (1) of the ESA which deems employment to be continuous notwithstanding a sale of the employer.
  2. The Plaintiff signed a resignation at the time of the purchase. The Court held that this was intended to cover only his status as a director and officer, not as an employee. Moreover as severance pay covers even non-continuous service ( see Section 65(2) ) the clause is illegal.
  3. By basing the notice only on base pay and not total compensation, it breached the ESA.
  4. The savings clause did not save these defects : As the judge said :
    e)   Saving clause

    [60]           Relying on the Court of Appeal’s decision in Amberber v. IBM Canada Ltd., 2018 ONCA 571 (CanLII), 424 D.L.R. (4th) 169 [Amberer], UTS submits that even if the Termination Provision breaches the ESA, it contains a “saving clause” that would permit this court to apply it. In Amberber, the Court of Appeal “read up” a termination provision to comply with the ESA because the provision was capable of an interpretation that would be in compliance with the ESA: Amberber, at para. 54.

    [61]           In this case, the Termination Provision states that “[n]otwithstanding the foregoing, the Company guarantees that the amounts payable upon termination, without cause, shall not be less than that required under the notice and severance provisions of the [ESA].”

    [62]           When the employer has sought to contract out of the ESA, a saving provision cannot be used to rewrite the express language in an agreement to cause it to comply: Rossman v. Canadian Solar Inc., 2018 ONSC 7172 (CanLII), 300 A.C.W.S. (3d) 69, at paras. 67-70. The Termination Provision cannot be interpreted to comply with the ESAbecause, contrary to s. 9(1), it specifically precludes an interpretation that would include Mr. Groves’ prior service with UTS. As a result, the saving clause does not assist and the Termination Provision cannot be read up in order to bring it into compliance with the ESA.

This to me is the most important part of this case because up until now there seemed to be some confusion as to whether nor not these types of clauses could fix an otherwise broken illegal termination clause.

There were two other arguments that the Judge did not feel had to be dealt with:

  1. The Just Cause argument :
    (c)   Just cause

    [58]           A single breach of the ESA is sufficient to invalidate a termination provision: Cormier v. 1772887 Ontario Ltd., 2019 ONSC 587 (CanLII), 302 A.C.W.S. (3d) 767[Cormier]. Since I have found that the Termination Provision is contrary to the ESA and since Mr. Groves was not terminated for cause, I need not consider whether the ability to terminate for cause without notice or pay in lieu of notice also violates the ESA. I note, however, that in Plester v. PolyOne Canada Inc., 2011 ONSC 6068 (CanLII), 216 A.C.W.S. (3d) 654, at paras. 53-56, aff’d, 2013 ONCA 47 (CanLII), 225 A.C.W.S. (3d) 1024, the court held that the ESA requires that notice and severance be paid unless the employer can demonstrate “wilful misconduct… that is not trivial and has not been condoned by the employer.”

  2. The Salary Continuation argument:
    (d)   “Salary continuation”

    [59]           Similarly, I need not consider whether the Termination Provision breaches the ESA because it allows for the payment of four weeks per year of service as “salary continuation.” Nonetheless, I note that in Wood, at paras. 60-69, the Court of Appeal held that under the ESA employees are entitled to receive severance pay in a lump sum and are not required to work in order to receive it.

    It seems that the judge probably favoured both these arguments but didn’t want to decide more than was strictly necessary. Perhaps another case will consider these arguments.

And finally the Judge considered whether the Release that the Plaintiff signed upon the sale would disentitle him to a consideration of his prior 22 years service when calculating his common law notice entitlement upon his termination in 2017.

In connection with the sale of UTS, the Plaintiff signed a release releasing UTS and the purchaser from:

all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, debts… which the undersigned in any capacity whatsoever (including, without limitation, as officer, director, shareholder, employee, creditor or otherwise) had, now has or hereafter can, shall or may have, for or by reason of or in any way arising out of, relating to or in connection with, any cause, matter or thing whatsoever existing up to the present time and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, arising from: (1) the undersigned having been an officer, director, shareholder, employee or creditor of the Corporation, or (2) any Claims for unpaid remuneration, termination or severance pay. 

This is what the Judge said on this issue:

That leaves the issue of whether, by virtue of signing the Release, Mr. Groves released any claim to common law notice. In Kerzner, the Court of Appeal did not interfere with the motion judge’s decision that the employee waived common law entitlements for service prior to the execution of the release. See also Ariss, at para. 39.

[66]           In Kerzner, however, the release did not specifically waive the employee’s ESA entitlements. In this case, the language of the Release is broader than the provision in Kerzner. The Release states that it releases and discharges “any claims” for “termination or severance pay” which are not common law entitlements, but rather entitlements under the ESA. Given that this violates the ESA, it is null and void for all purposes: Cormier, at paras. 87-88.

[67]           In Kerzner, the Court of Appeal rejected the application of Biancaniello v. DMCT LLP, 2017 ONCA 386 (CanLII), an argument that UTS puts forward here, as addressing the scope of a release that was otherwise permissible: Kerzner, at para. 36.

[68]           Moreover, based on the evidence, I find that Mr. Groves did not release his claim to common law notice. Based on the terms of the SPA, he understood that his employment with UTS would continue. There was no break in service, and none was contemplated. Had the employment relationship with UTS been clearly severed, Mr. Groves may have turned his mind to what claims or entitlements he was foregoing by signing the Release. Given that Mr. Groves’ resignation was a formality, I find that he did not agree to forego his entitlement to common law reasonable notice.

I think that there is a much simpler way of dealing with this issue.

The Release only deals with issues ” existing up to the present time”, in other words at the time of the sale, not the termination of his employment, which occurred 2 years later. The only effect this Release would have on his employment would be that after the sale he could not complain that he was owed vacation pay or bonuses for service prior to the sale. It did not effect a possible future event.




Court Confirms No Obligation on Employer To Provide Benefits to Employees on LTD or STD:

In City of Toronto v CUPE Local 79  (2019 ONSC 4045) Justice Swinton judicially reviewed an arbitrator’s award which held that it is a breach of the Ontario Human Rights Code for the City to only provide part time benefits ( as opposed to better full time benefits ) to an employee who was being accommodated with part time work because he could no longer work time due to his disability .

In finding that the arbitrator’s decision was not reasonable, she said the following:

The arbitrator correctly stated that she was bound by the Court of Appeal’s decision in Ontario Nurses’ Association v. Orillia Soldiers Memorial Hospital (1999), 1999 CanLII 3687 (ON CA), 42 O.R. (3d) 692 (“Orillia Hospital”).   However, she candidly expressed her preference for a different approach that had developed in the arbitral jurisprudence, but was rejected by the Court of Appeal in Orillia Hospital.

[20]           In that case, the Court of Appeal held that the Code does not require an employer to make contributions to benefit programs for a disabled employee who is off work, since contributions to benefit programs are a form of compensation.  At para. 27, the Court stated,

Disabled nurses do not receive this compensation because they are not providing services to their employer.  It is not prohibited discrimination to distinguish for purposes of compensation between employees who are providing services to the employer and those who are not.

[21]           The Court also held that even if a disabled employee is the subject of constructive discrimination within s. 11 of the Code because he or she does not receive employer contributions to benefits, “[r]equiring work in exchange for compensation is a reasonable and bona fide requirement” (at para. 58).  The Court explained that accommodation refers to workplace adjustments to allow the employee to work (at para. 55):

The duty is on the employer to take all steps short of undue hardship to accommodate the needs of the person discriminated against so that they can compete equally with the other employees.

At this point of her reasons, one would have thought that the logical conclusion would be that the grievance must fail.  Employees in the full-time unit receive greater benefits than those working part-time hours.  For example, the City pays 100% of the cost of benefits for full-time employees in the full-time unit, while the City pays a pro-rated percentage for those in the part-time unit.  As well, some of the benefits are different in terms of payment for shifts missed because of sickness and injury.   In accordance with Orillia Hospital, the employer does not discriminate by failing to provide the added benefits to which a full-time employee is entitled to a person working part-time hours, even if the person is working part-time because of disability.  The difference in treatment with respect to compensation and benefits is because of the number of hours worked, not because of disability, and the employer is not required to compensate the disabled employee for time not worked.  

This case would apply equally to a non-union environment.

Of course an employer may, as part of its STD and/or LTD policy, agree to provide benefit coverage to those employees not able to work because of their disability, but the OHRC does not require them to do so .

Similarly it would seem that there would be nothing to prevent an employer from agreeing to provide benefit coverage for a limited period of time. For example the Employer may agree to provide benefits during the STD period but not the LTD period.

This raises an interesting issue that I often see in my mediation and arbitration practice, that is whether to terminate an employee who is on LTD for a lengthy period and claim that the contract is frustrated. Of course under the Ontario Employment Standards Act this triggers an obligation to pay both termination pay and severance pay, but not common law notice.

I have often wondered why employers feel the need to terminate employees in these situations when it often generates a severance obligation that could have been avoided if no termination  took place.

When I have asked this question I am often told that one the reasons for doing this is to end the costs of providing benefits to disabled employees

Well it now seems that there is nothing in law that would prevent an employer from including a provision in their STD or LTD plans which imposes a time limit on how long the benefits will continue.

Therefore there would be no financial cost in simply continuing the status of the disabled employee as an employee of the Company.

Of course, under the ESA, either party can claim that a contract is frustrated, thereby triggering the obligation to pay termination pay and severance pay. Therefore the disabled employee could trigger their own termination even if the employer did not wish to terminate the employment relationship .

Ontario Court Appeal Rules on Pro-rata Bonuses:

In Andros v Colliers Macauley Nicolls Inc ( 2019 ONCA 679) the Ontario Court of Appeal considered the issue of a bonus which is payable after the expiry of the notice period but during which the employee either worked part of the year or whose notice period included part of that year .

Here is the scenario:

The bonus year is the calendar year. The employee is terminated on March 31st. The Court awards a notice period of 6 months, taking the employee to September 30th. The bonus is payable only  to employees in ” good standing ” or in ” active employment ” as of  December 31st.

This is what the Court said :

[55]      Absent a contracting out, allowing for common law damages that include compensation in lieu of a pro rata share of a bonus in circumstances where the bonus is an integral part of the compensation package is the only sensible approach. Although the notice period in this case ended a few months before the bonus would have come due, one can well imagine a scenario in which the notice period could expire on the very eve of the bonus payment date. In those circumstances, the appellant’s position would lead to the untenable result that the dismissed employee would get no part of the bonus he or she had earned through a combination of his or her labour during that calendar year and over the course of the notice period that followed.

[56]      The greater the bonus in relation to the employee’s overall compensation and the shorter the notice period, the greater the unfairness of the situation. By way of example, if the appellant is right, then an employee who is terminated in early December, but only eligible to a couple of weeks of notice, would not be eligible to seek damages for a pro rata share of his or her bonus for the eleven months of work he or she completed and the short notice period that followed. Absent clear language in the contract, I do not accept the inherent unfairness that would arise in precluding those employees terminated without cause from seeking a pro rata share of their bonuses only by virtue of the fact that the notice period ended before the bonus payment date, particularly where the bonus payment date is entirely in the discretion of the employer.

[57]      Accordingly, the question is not whether the bonus would have been “received” during the notice period, but whether it whether it was “earned” or “would have been earned” during that period. Damages may be sought as compensation for what an employee would have earned had his or her contract of employment not be breached. This reasoning is similar to Taggart where an active service prerequisite to the accrual of pension benefits did not preclude damages for lost pension benefits during the notice period after wrongful dismissal. As noted by Sharpe J.A. in Taggart, it is important to recall the legal nature of the claim. In Taggart, the legal nature of the claim was not for the benefits themselves, but for “damages as compensation for the … benefits the [employee] would have earned had the [employer] not breached the contract of employment”: at para. 16 (emphasis added). Equally, the claim here was not for the bonus itself, but for the share of the bonus that the respondent would have earned had the appellant not breached the contract of employment.

This case is very important for these reasons:

  1. It actually uses words like “fairness” in deciding what is legal.
  2. It distinguishes “earning ” a bonus by doing the underlying work and ” receiving ” the bonus on a certain later date.
  3. It reiterates that the damage calculation is based on calculating what the employee lost because of not being able to work out their notice period as opposed to suing for the payment of a specified bonus or stock option etc.
  4. It leaves employers free to try to cut off these payments if they use explicit language, without telling us what that language should look like.
  5. If a bonus is earned pro rata as long as the employee is working , then could an employee who quits half way through the year demand payment of one half of his bonus once the amount for the year is determined?

Ontario Court of Appeal Says Any Defect in a Termination Clause Voids the Entire Clause:

In Andros v Colliers Macauley Nicolls Inc ( 2019 ONCA 679) the Ontario Court of Appeal considered the legality of the following termination clause:

4. Term of Employment

The company may terminate the employment of the Managing Director by providing the Managing Director the greater of the Managing Director’s entitlement pursuant to the Ontario Employment Standards Act or, at the Company’s sole discretion, either of the following:

a. Two (2) months working notice, in which case the Managing Director will continue to perform all of his duties and his compensation and benefits will remain unchanged during the working notice period.  

b. Payment in lieu of notice in the amount equivalent of two (2) months Base Salary. 

In beginning their analysis, the Court went back to first principles, which they set out as follows:

[20]      It is not possible to simply void the part of a termination clause that offends the ESA. If a termination clause purports to contract out of an employment standard without clearly substituting a greater benefit in its place, the entire termination clause is void: North v. Metaswitch Networks Corporation, 2017 ONCA 790 (CanLII), 417 D.L.R. (4th) 429, at para. 24; Hampton Securities Limited, at para. 7. As Laskin J.A. said in Wood, at para. 21: “Contracting out of even one of the employment standards and not substituting a greater benefit would render the termination clause void and thus unenforceable”: see also paras. 64, 69. This is true even if the employee actually receives his or her statutory entitlements after termination. Accordingly, the enforceability of a termination clause is determined by the wording of the clause alone, not by an employer’s conduct after termination: Wood, at paras. 43-44.  

The Court then on to find that paragraph 4 (a) was illegal because it did not mention severance pay and paragraph 4 ( b) was illegal because it did not include either benefits or severance pay .

The Court then went on to say that because paragraphs 4 (a) and (b) were illegal, the whole termination clause was void.

[27]      Strictly speaking, given her finding that the ESA had been contracted out of under clauses 4(a) and 4(b), it was unnecessary for the motion judge to consider ambiguity. The termination clause was unenforceable given that it contracted out of statutory entitlements without substituting a greater benefit: Wood, at para. 21.

In other words, the first part of the clause guaranteeing the employee no less than the ESA ( which would seem to  be enforceable ) was in effect ” poisoned ” by the second illegal clause.

So you do really throw out the entire  baby with the dirty bathwater.

This case should have a dramatic impact on the analysis  of termination clauses because all the employee has to do is find one defect and the whole clause gets thrown out.

There are many types of ESA defects that creative lawyers have already litigated and some ideas that are yet to be tested. This case makes this search for these defects extremely important and reiterates that an all embracing ” clean up cause” may not ward off an attack.

Of course all of this could be avoided if employers drafted termination clauses that provided for somewhat more than the ESA but less than the common law.


Fired Articling Student Gets $50,000 for Being Bullied by her Boss

In Acuman Law Corp v Ojanen ( 2019 BCSC 1352) the plaintiff was 4 months into her 12 month of articles when she was fired because her boss thought that she and her boyfriend ( another articling student at a different firm ) were trying to compete with his lucrative DUI practice .

First the judge found that there was no just cause an awarded her the balance of her term, which only came to $18,934.

He then went on to award her $50,000 of aggravated damages because of the severe emotional effect the termination had on her and her career.

This is a partial list of what the employer boss did that upset the judge:

  1. He did not give the articling student any chance to explain her side of the story before he fired her .
  2. He sued her first claiming theft, and trespass. He then decided to serve her with the Claim in front of her classmates while she was attending the bar admission course put on by the Law Society.
  3. He falsely accused her of deceit and dishonesty.
  4. Given these allegations, she was unable to complete her articles and thus was rendered her unemployable in the legal profession.
  5. The employer persisted in these false allegations for 3 years including at trial .

This is the part of the judgement that I love :

[129]     The usual power imbalance between employer and employee was accentuated in this case.  Ms. Ojanen was a young woman without local contacts in the legal profession.  Mr. Doroshenko was the head of an established law firm.  Ms. Ojanen was terribly vulnerable.  Mr. Doroshenko was possessed of reputational capital and financial resources.  He was not content simply to fire her but took full advantage of his favoured position to launch a campaign against Ms. Ojanen through this lawsuit.

[130]     In short, Mr. Doroshenko’s response on discovering the Blog was disproportionate and bullying.  I find that he was determined to protect Acumen’s competitive position by making an example of Ms. Ojanen.

These are the judge’s findings on the effect of these actions on the students’ life:

132]     Ms. Ojanen testified that her dismissal and this lawsuit have visited profound emotional consequences upon her.  She was shocked and humiliated when she was served in front of her class.  After that, everything changed at PLTC and she felt embarrassed just being there.  She was distracted by the lawsuit and unable to focus on her studies.  As I have noted, she did not successfully complete PLTC.

[133]     Ms. Ojanen blames the dismissal and the lawsuit for the break-up of her marriage to Mr. Dominato.  She feels herself an outcast from the legal profession and unqualified for other employment.  In applying for work, she has had to disclose the allegations of theft and trespass.  As she put it, it’s a lot for an employer to take on.  Since her termination, she has mostly been unemployed.  She could not afford her rent and lived out of a car for three months. The car belonged to Mr. Dominato and he repossessed it and moved back to Ontario.  Ms. Ojanen lived on the street for a week or so after that before she was able to persuade her parents to take her in; she now lives in an apartment they own.  Pending the resolution of this lawsuit, her life has been on hold.

[134]     Ms. Ojanen testified that her experience with Acumen has changed who she is.  She suffers from anxiety, depression, inability to focus, irritability and loss of appetite.  These were not issues for her before her termination.

[136]     I accept Ms. Ojanen’s evidence concerning the effects of the dismissal and this lawsuit on her.  In the circumstances in which Ms. Ojanen found herself, it was natural for her to suffer serious and prolonged emotional distress in consequence of the way she was treated by Mr. Doroshenko and Acumen.  I find that she suffered serious and prolonged emotional distress that is well outside the norm for dismissed employees.

One last amazing fact.

Ms Ojanen, the fired student, represented herself at the trial.

Not bad for a beginner.

Employer Loses Case Because it Used ” or ” Instead of “and”:

In Alarashi v Big Brother Big Sisters of Toronto ( 2019 ONSC 4510) Sossin J. had to determine the validity of the following termination clause:

Following the probationary period, in the event that it becomes necessary to terminate your employment without cause BBBST will provide you with such notice (or payment in lieu of notice) or severance pay that may be required to meet the requirements of the Employment Standards Act, 2000. Notice is based on the length of service as follows:

            4 years or more but fewer than 5 years – 4 weeks

You understand and agree that BBBST has no obligation to make any additional payments to you or to provide you with additional notice upon termination. You also understand and agree that BBBST would not have entered into this agreement if it were required to provide notice in excess of the Employment Standards Act, 2000.

If your employment is terminated without cause, BBBST will continue your group insurance benefit coverage for such period as the Employment Standards Act, 2000 shall require, provided such coverage is available from the insurer.

Your employment may be terminated for cause and without pay in lieu of notice at any time for serious breaches of the terms of this Agreement and/or BBBST’s policies set out in the Human Resources Manual, and/or for any cause recognized at law

The judge found that the use of the word “or” instead of ” and ” made the clause unenforceable. Here is what he said :

Excluding Termination Pay or Severance Pay

[42]           The third and final area Alarashi raises to invalidate the termination clause in the employment agreement is the reference to a terminated employee’s entitlement to “such notice (or payment in lieu of notice) or severance pay that may be required to meet the requirements of the Employment Standards Act, 2000.” (Emphasis added.)

[43]           The parties agree that under the ESA, BBST would have an obligation to pay a terminated employee both payment in lieu of notice (“termination pay”) and severance pay, if the employee were entitled to it.

[44]           Once again, the challenge to this provision in the termination clause does not relate to Alarashi’s own circumstances, as he received payment in lieu of notice of five weeks which meets or exceeds any interpretation of the minimum requirements for termination pay under the ESA, and he was not eligible for severance pay.

[45]           BBBST argues that this clause is clearly intended to convey that BBBST will be bound by the requirements of the ESA and therefore while the drafting could more clearly convey these benefits are additive rather than alternatives, the provision remains clearly enforceable.

[46]           Alarashi relies on Andros v. Colliers Macaulay Nicolls Inc., 2018 ONSC 1256 (CanLII) (“Andros”) for the proposition that even if the termination provision could be read in a manner which complies with the ESA, it remains invalid where it is unclear or ambiguous with respect to whether the termination benefits included severance pay.

[47]           Writing in Andros, Dietrich J. highlighted the significance of whether the termination clause specifically adverts to compliance with employment standards legislation. Distinguishing the termination clause at issue in Andros from the Court of Appeal’s decision in Roden v. Toronto Humane Society, (2005), 2005 CanLII 33578 (ON CA), 259 D.L.R. (4th) 89 (Ont C.A.) (“Roden”), Dietrich J. stated (at para. 32), “A key distinction between Roden and the case at bar is that the clause in question in the Roden case made specific reference to the applicable employment standards legislation. No such reference in made in clauses 4a and 4b. In this case, as in Roden, the termination clause makes specific reference to the ESA.

[48]           In Wood, also relied upon by Alarashi, Laskin J.A., writing for the Court, distinguishes that case from Roden as well, stating (at para. 55-56), “The difference between Roden and this case lies in the wording of each termination clause. In Roden, the clause dealt only with the Toronto Human Society’s obligation to give the notice of termination, as required by the ESA, or to pay a lump sum for the notice period. It did not exclude the Toronto Humane Society’s additional obligation to continue to contribute to Roden’s benefit plans during the notice period. It said nothing about that obligation. In this case, by contrast, the termination clause is not merely silent about Deeley’s obligation to contribute to Wood’s benefit plans during the notice period. It uses language that excludes that obligation…”

[49]           Therefore, in light of the Court of Appeal’s analysis in Wood, the question I must address is whether the language of the termination clause excludes severance pay if termination pay is provided.

[50]           In Alarashi’s case, the severance pay clause would not arise as only employees with five years or more experience can be eligible for severance pay under the ESA.

[51]           I do not think BBBST intended to exclude severance pay by this provision. The intent of the parties appears to be to abide by the requirements of the ESA, not contract out of them or waive them.

[52]           Under the ESA, it is possible to be entitled to termination pay and not severance pay (as in the case of Alarashi, who had worked less than five years), but it is not possible to be entitled to severance pay and not termination pay (or notice). In my view, this provision could be read simply as setting out the distinction between two different pathways to entitlement under the ESA.

[53]           In other words, in this clause, BBBST could be conveying to Alarashi at the time he commenced employment that in the event of his termination without cause, he will receive what he is entitled to receive under the ESA, whether termination pay or severance pay. Where his entitlement is to both termination pay and severance pay under the ESA, nothing in the wording of this provision is inconsistent with his being paid both.

[54]           While the clause can be read in a way that is compatible with the ESA, that is not the test for a valid termination clause, as affirmed in Andros. Because the clause could also be conveying to Alarashi that he may not be entitled both to termination pay and severance pay, the clause is at best ambiguous.

[55]           In the face of ambiguous wording, the terminated employee is entitled to an interpretation which would lead to the highest level of benefit. In this case, such an interpretation would be that the reference to “or” in the clause excludes either termination or severance pay, and thus constitutes an invalid termination clause. 

[56]           In light of this finding, Alarashi is entitled to common law damages.

My Comment:

This case again reinforces one of the key elements of Wood v Deeley, which is if a termination clause can reasonably be read two ways with respect to whether or not it complies with the ESA, it  is therefore ambiguous. Ambiguity alone  will invalidate the entire termination clause and thus the common law of reasonable notice applies.

OCA Denies $953,000 “Commission ” Over Notice Period:

In Manastersky v Royal Bank of Canada ( 2019 ONCA 609) the Ontario Court of Appeal analyzed what happens when the employer terminates a investment fund from which the employee derived a substantial part of his income.

The Plaintiff ran some specific  investment funds for the Bank and received payments over time based on how those funds performed.

The Bank decided that they were no longer going to continue those specific funds anymore and proceeded to wind them down. Part of the wind down consisted of terminating the Plaintiff. The Bank agreed and did pay him the amount that the fund paid out over the notice period, however this number paled in comparison to what he was earning while these funds were active.

The trial judge awarded him damages based on his historical earnings over the 18 month notice period. This came to $953,000 for this compensation item alone.

The Court of Appeal said NO.

They reiterated that the analysis has two steps:

First, what would the employee had earned if he had been permitted to work out the notice period?

Second, is there any contractual language which would limit the employee’s  entitlement to the monies referred to in the first step?

In this case the trial judge held that by cancelling the funds, the employer would have constructively dismissed the plaintiff as it deprived him of the opportunity to earn income from those funds.

This is how the Court of Appeal  dismissed that argument:

67]       With respect, I do not see how RBCDS’ termination of the Mezzanine CIP in accordance with its terms, which were known and agreed to by Mr. Manastersky, could amount to conduct by an employer that evinces an intention to no longer be bound by the employment contract: Potter v. New Brunswick Legal Aid Services Commission, 2015 SCC 10, [2015] 1 S.C.R. 500, at para. 30. The termination of the Mezzanine CIP did not involve any breach of contract by RBCDS. As the trial judge recognized, the CIP’s termination was “consistent with the terms of the CIP”.

[68]       Nor did the CIP’s termination “more generally [show] that the employer intended not to be bound by the contract” or demonstrate “conduct that, when viewed in the light of all the circumstances, would lead a reasonable person to conclude that the employer no longer intended to be bound by the terms of the contract”: Potter, at paras. 33 and 42. Mr. Manastersky was hired to manage specific funds. At the time of his offer of employment, he was provided with a copy of the 2000 Plan. Mr. Manastersky signed the 2006 Mezzanine CIP.[3] Those plans contained the same Article 9.3, which clearly disclosed that one risk embedded in Mr. Manastersky’s contract of employment was that the Management Committee could terminate the plan effective as of the end of any Investment Period with respect to future Investment Periods.

[69]       By terminating the Mezzanine CIP, RBCDS was not evincing an intention not to be bound by the employment contract. On the contrary, it was exercising a fully disclosed right it had under the contract of employment. Consequently, I see no evidentiary support for the trial judge’s finding that a termination of the Mezzanine CIP would have amounted to a constructive dismissal.

Imagine this somewhat different scenario:

You are a car salesman and paid only commission. 90% of your sales are pick up trucks and only 10% are cars.  Your employer decides one day that they are no longer going to sell pick up trucks after they get rid of the  10 remaining trucks on the lot . Your income drops by 90% .

How is that not a constructive dismissal ?

It is fundamental principle of employment law that in return for one’s labour the employer agrees to  pay  the agreed wage.

Is it also not a fundamental principle that in exchange the employer has to provide one with work from which the employee can derive one’s income?

By cancelling the investment funds upon which the plaintiff  which derived the bulk of  his income how can that not be “ evincing an intention not to be bound by the employment contract.” ?

Applying the Bhasian principle of good faith administration of a contract, is it good faith for an employer to take away the main source of income of an employee and not replace it with something comparable ?

In this case, as in other recent OCA cases that I have blogged about, the Court is now giving greater emphasis to the contractual language of the various bonus and commission plans as opposed to the principles of interpretation generally applied to employment contracts as set out in the seminal case of Wood v Fred Deeley.

I note that this change seems to have accelerated since the retirement of Mr. Justice Laskin, the author of Wood v Fred Deeley.

Perhaps one day the Supreme Court of Canada will weigh in on this issue as to whether employment agreements are to be read like commercial agreements or like consumer contracts given the imbalance of bargaining power that exists in most employment situations.