“In Accordance with ESA ” not Good Enough to Oust Common Law Reasonable Notice:

In Holm v AGAT Labs ( 2018 (ABCA 23 ) the Court of Appeal dealt with a clause that said that upon termination the employee would only receive the notice “in accordance with the provincial legislation for the province of employment” . It sets out in great detail that that is all the employee is entitled to.

The Alberta Employment Standards Code, just like the Ontario ESA, says that an employer must give “at least” the number of weeks set out in the Act, in this case 1 week. Therefore , the Court held, it is also permissible under the Act to pay more than the one week. As this creates an ambiguity, the interpretation that favours the employee should prevail. The Court quoted the Ontario case of Wood v Fred Deeley Imports ( 2017 ONCA 158).The plaintiff was therefore entitled to reasonable notice .

As the  Alberta Code and the Ontario Act use the same language, one could reasonably expect the same result in Ontario.

Of interest also is the  concurrent opinion by Justice O’Farrell who examined the issue of why would the parties have a six paragraph termination clause if all they meant to do was apply the doctrine of reasonable notice. In his reasons he sets out two vastly different approaches to determining the legality of ESA clauses.

          I am compelled to concur in the result reached by the majority. The chambers judge properly applied judicially-approved principles governing the interpretation of employment contracts.

[39]           However the contractual terms employed by the parties in this case have given me cause to question those principles. A lay person reading the entire termination provision of the contract (which is reproduced and appended to these reasons) might be forgiven for thinking that the parties did intend to “limit” termination notice or pay in lieu of such notice to the “minimums” set forth in the employment standards legislation, even though the parties failed to employ either of the quoted words of limitation. A reasonable observer might question why the parties needed a termination clause as lengthy and detailed as the one employed in this case to merely indicate their intention to be governed by the common law’s reasonable notice requirement. In other words, if the termination provision of the employment contract was not intended to limit termination notice or pay in lieu, what was it there for?

[40]           Perhaps the best way to explain the result in this case to the appellant employer is to say that in employment law it is sometimes not as much about ascertaining the parties’ intention as it is about applying judicially-mandated principles of interpretation designed to protect employees because of perceived, and sometimes very real, inequality of bargaining power as between employees and employers. At least two of those principles were operative in this case. One was the principle that termination clauses will only rebut the presumption of reasonable notice if they are absolutely clear. The other is that faced with a clause in an employment contract which could reasonably be interpreted in more than one way, courts are required to prefer the interpretation which gives the greatest benefit to the employee.

[41]           The problem, not so much with principles, but with the approach employed by the courts in interpreting employment contracts is that it may be less understandable than an approach which simply requires the court to ascertain the intention of the parties as disclosed by the words they used. Also, the rules employed in interpreting employment contracts involve presumptions against the employer which may or may not be justified in any given case. Inequality of bargaining power is not always a justifiable assumption. Small business employers and employers in the not-for-profit sector, for example, may be on a much more level playing field. Finally, prospective employers and employees who do not have access to employment lawyers may not be aware of the interpretational rules. Whether small business employers and their employees ought to be required to wade through mountains of jurisprudence in order to find the magic formula needed to achieve enforceable contract language is what is being questioned here.

[42]           The courts have repeatedly asserted that there is no magic formula for limiting termination notice or pay in lieu to the minimums in employment standards legislation. However, if the analysis is not simply one of ascertaining the intention of the parties but rather one of determining whether or not a particular clause is sufficiently clear to rebut the presumption of reasonable notice or to satisfy a judicially-mandated requirement that such clause be interpreted in favour of the employee, there will indeed be a formula of sorts. The formula will be what it takes to satisfy a court that presumptions in favour of the employee, mandated by previously-decided jurisprudence, have been rebutted. Perhaps the jurisprudence requires revisiting for situations where it is clear what the parties intended, but where the words chosen do not satisfy judicial canons of construction. This is not to suggest that the considerations articulated by courts in cases such as Wood v Fred Deeley Imports Ltd, 2017 ONCA 158 (CanLII) at para 28, 134 OR (3d) 481 are not useful. It is simply to suggest that perhaps more emphasis ought to be put on ascertaining what the parties intended.

This differing judicial approach is evident in Ontario, where one set of judges seem to follow the Wood v Fred Deeley approach of closely examining the wording of the clause for potential illegality and/or ambiguity and the “parties intention ” approach as set out in the recent Ontario Court of Appeal  case of Nemeth v Hatch.

Only time will tell which approach will prevail, unless one day the Supreme Court of Canada agrees to address this issue and tell us all once and for all how these contracts should be interpreted.


Wilson v ACEL Continues :

Mr. Wilson worked for AECL from May 2005 until his termination on November 16, 2009. He then filed a CLC unjust dismissal complaint, presumably in early 2010.

It took two years to get to arbitration at which time Arbitrator Shiff made a preliminary ruling  that said simply paying statutory notice and severance pay did not avoid the remedies section of the CLC. This was judicially reviewed first by the Federal Court, Trial Division, then the Federal Court of Appeal and finally to the Supreme Court of Canada, which ruled in Mr Wilson’s favour.

I thought that at that point, having won, Mr Wilson would either get his back pay and reinstatement or just a whole lot of money.

Nope. The matter was referred to a new arbitrator, Michael Bendal. Seven years after the fact, AECL raised for the very first time, a new jurisdictional defence involving the application of Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, a whistle blowing statute intended to protect whistleblowers from retaliation.

AECL lost again before Bendel. ( 2017 CarswellNat 6877) Another set of dates will be set to finally hear the merits. That is unless AECL again seeks judicial review of the rejection of their jurisdictional argument.

I thought that there was a principle of administrative law which said that a Court should wait until the administrative procedure is completed before judicially reviewing the case, in order to avoid this start and stop process. One can only hope that if AECL tries to judicially review this newest ruling that the Court will tell them to wait until the case is over and then file their comprehensive application,

Justice delayed in justice denied.

Court Awards 10K for Dismissal + 20k for Aggravated Damages + 10k for Punitive Damages:

In Horner v 897469 Ont Ltd ( 2018 ONSC 121) Newton J. awarded non-notice damages for an employee who was bullied at work. In this undefended action, the Court found that Ms Horner had been bullied by a co-worker, which caused her great upset. She complained to the owner, who told her to take a few days off  and that he ” would figure it out in a few days”. A few days later he fired her, alleging cause in relation to her dealings with the bully co-worker. Having previously been diagnosed with depression, the termination caused her to fall into deeper depression. She lost 30 pounds, was under doctor’s care and has been unable to look for work. She did not get EI as the employer alleged cause.

The Court awarded $20,000 for aggravated damages and another $10,000 for punitive damages. A previous judge had awarded her 3 months notice.

Contrast this with Galea v Walmart ( 2017 ONCA 245) where the Court awarded $750,000 for conduct of a somewhat different sort where there was no medical evidence of mental distress of the Plaintiff.

UBER Class Action Fails Due to Arbitration Clause:

In Heller v UBER (2018 ONSC 718) Perell J. was faced with a motion by UBER to stay  a class action seeking to declare UBER drivers as employees for the purposes of the Ontario Employment Standards Act. He ruled that the arbitration clause, which required that all disputes arising from the agreement must be resolved through a mediation / arbitration procedure in Amsterdam, according to Dutch law in accordance with the ICC Arbitration rules, which require a minimum fee of approximately $7,500 to be paid by the driver, required a stay of the class action.

The Court held the following :

1) This relationship might be a commercial relationship, even though it may also be an employment one, and as such the International Commercial Arbitration Act , not the Arbitration Act, 1991 applies.

2) The issue of whether the arbitrator has jurisdiction in this matter is to be first decided by the arbitrator. This is called the Competence – Competence Principle,

3) As the ESA does not preclude resorting to arbitration, the Court should not refuse to stay the action on that basis.

4) It is not unconscionable to prevent an employee from pursuing his ESA rights through the Courts where there is an arbitration clause.

An appeal is likely, according to Plaintiff’s counsel.

Quere: What is the UBER drivers all filed separate ESA complaints with the  Ministry of Labour instead of a class action?

Would the OLRB rule that they did not have jurisdiction to hear the case because the parties has decided that the matter must be decided in a foreign country? Does not the “no contracting out” section of the ESA  ( section 5) relate to this issue? Sections 97,  98  and 99 (2) of the ESA deal with when a complaint under the ESA cannot be filed with the Ministry. Is this an exhaustive list or can there be non statutory exceptions?

Revoking Employee’s Ability to Work at Home = Constructive Dismissal:

In Hagholm v Coreiro ( 2017 ONSC 7713) Sloan  J. had a situation where  a 59 year old Manager of Consulting Services who for 22 years had been able to work at home 3 days a week and only came to to the office the other two days . Then out of the blue, the Employer said now you must come to the office 5 days a week . She said no and quit and sued for constructive dismissal . Her commute was 110 km one way.

The Court found that it was essential term of her agreement that she be able to work at home 60% of the time and that the employer’s unilateral change was a constructive dismissal , warranting a 22 month notice period.

OCA Upholds ESA Related Termination Clause:

In Nemeth v Hatch ( 2018 ONCA 7) the Court was faced with the following termination clause:

The Company’s policy with respect to termination is that employment may be terminated by either party with notice in writing. The notice period shall amount to one week per year of service with a minimum of four weeks or the notice required by the applicable labour legislation.

The Court decided that this clause was not ambiguous. This is what they said :

[14]       It is clear from the plain language of the termination clause in the present case that the parties intended and agreed to limit the appellant’s common law notice entitlement. The clause clearly “specifies some other period of notice” that meets the minimum entitlements prescribed under the ESA:  it contemplates the appellant receiving “one week per year of service with a minimum of four weeks or the notice required by the applicable labour legislation.” It cannot be said that the appellant retained his common law entitlements in the face of this explicit language, which denotes an intent to the opposite effect.  I agree that there is no ambiguity that the parties intended and agreed to displace the appellant’s common law notice entitlement. Whether they agreed to limit it to the minimum entitlements under the ESA is a question to which I return later in these reasons.

With all due respect to the Court, I suggest that it is not clear what the intentions of the parties were, for the following reasons:

  1. The Defendant took the position that the clause only required them to provide 8 weeks notice ( the ESA maximum notice ) notwithstanding that the Plaintiff had 19 years service. The trial judge agreed with that position. However the Court of Appeal held that he was entitled to 19 weeks notice under that clause, in effect saying that the Plaintiff was entitled to the greater of the ESA entitlement or one week per year of service with a minimum of 4 weeks. So, tell me, how can the clause be unambiguous, and therefore ” clear from the plain language “, when one judge sees it one way and another 3 judges see it another way?
  2. The clause makes no sense because the phrase stating ” or the notice required by the applicable labour legislation” could never apply. If the person had 1, 2 or 3 years service, then the contractual minimum of 4 weeks exceeds the ESA minimums. If they had 4,5,6,7, or 8 years service the ESA amount would equal the  contactual amount. If they had more than 8 years service, then the contractual amount would always exceed the ESA amount. How then can a clause which makes no internal sense and contains useless language be clear and unambiguous?
  3. The Clause refers to ” applicable labour legislation”. The Court assumed that the parties must have intended to  refer to the Employment Standards Act . Why not the Labour Relations Act? Why not the Employers and Employees Act? Why not the Employment Protection for Foreign National Act? Why not the Human Rights Code? Why not the Occupational Health and Safety Act? Get my drift?

In the book ” Ontario Labour and Employment Legislation 2016 ” by Thomson Reuters there are 15 statutes listed. How is Mr. Nemeth, the plaintiff supposed to know which sections of which Act are being incorporated into his employment contract. The above mentioned book requires 1360 pages to set out these statutes.

If one does a search in CANLII for “Ontario -Legislation -Labour “, you get 17 hits , but the ESA does not appear in that search.

I did a word search in the ESA for the word “labour” . I got 29 hits. They all referred to either the Labour Relations Board, a labour officer, Labour Day, the Ministry of Labour or the Canada Labour Code. Not a single reference to ” labour ” let alone ” applicable labour legislation ” in any section relating to the termination of employment.

Even a cursory review of the ESA shows you that there are numerous provisions in the Act that you would have to know in order to truly understand what the termination provisions of the ESA actually cover. To think that poor Mr. Nemeth was aware of all of this, let alone that he knew that he was actually giving up  a right to reasonable notice, (which he probably did not even knew he had), is unrealistic.

However, to this panel of the Court of Appeal, it was ” clear” what the parties intended.

The reference to ambiguity voiding a termination provision comes from a earlier Court of Appeal decision called Wood v. Fred Deeley Imports Ltd., 2017 ONCA 158,

In  that decision Laskin J. sets out 8 Guiding Principles to be used in examining these types of clauses. I have summarized them as follows:

1. In general, courts interpret employment agreements differently from other commercial agreements. They do so mainly because of the importance of employment in a person’s life. As Dickson C.J.C. said in an oft-quoted passage from his judgment in Reference re Public Service Employee Relations Act (Alberta), [1987] 1 S.C.R. 313, at p. 368:

” Work is one of the most fundamental aspects in a person’s life, providing the individual with a means of financial support and, as importantly, a contributory role in society. A person’s employment is an essential component of his or her sense of identity, self-worth and emotional well-being.”

2 . As important as employment itself is the way a person’s employment is terminated, it is on termination of employment that a person is most vulnerable and thus is most in need of protection: see Wallace v. United Grain Growers Ltd., [1997] 3 S.C.R. 701.

3. When employment agreements are made, usually employees have less bargaining power than employers. Employees rarely have enough information or leverage to bargain with employers on an equal footing: Machtinger, p. 1003

4. Many employees are likely unfamiliar with the employment standards in the ESA and the obligations the statute imposes on employers. These employees may not seek to challenge unlawful termination clauses: Machtinger, p. 1003

5. The ESA is remedial legislation, intended to protect the interests of employees. Courts should thus favour an interpretation of the ESA that “encourages employers to comply with the minimum requirements of the Act” and “extends its protections to as many employees as possible”, over an interpretation that does not do so: Machtinger, p. 1003.

6.. Termination clauses should be interpreted in a way that encourages employers to draft agreements that comply with the ESA. If the only consequence employers suffer for drafting a termination clause that fails to comply with the ESA is an order that they comply, then they will have little or no incentive to draft a lawful termination clause at the beginning of the employment relationship: Machtinger, p. 1004.

7. A termination clause will rebut the presumption of reasonable notice only if its wording is clear. Employees should know at the beginning of their employment what their entitlement will be at the end of their employment: Machtinger, p. 998.

8. Faced with a termination clause that could reasonably be interpreted in more than one way, courts should prefer the interpretation that gives the greater benefit to the employee: Ceccol v. Ontario Gymnastics Federation (2001), 149 O.A.C. 315, Family Counselling Centre of Sault Ste. Marie and District (2001), 151 O.A.C. 35.

I would respectfully submit that the Court of Appeal panel in this case did not give adequate consideration to  Guiding Principles 4, 7 and 8.

This panel also dealt with the issue as to whether or not the fact that the clause did not reference severance pay that it fell afoul of the ESA. However citing Laskin’s reasoning in Wood on how Roden v Toronto Humane Society , they decided as follows:

(ii)         Is the termination clause void because it purports to contract out of the ESA?

[15]       With respect to the second argument, I do not accept that the silence of the termination clause concerning the appellant’s entitlement to severance pay denotes an intention to contract out of the ESA. I agree with the motion judge’s conclusion that the termination clause purports to limit notice but not the severance pay that the appellant would receive on termination. This is a very important distinction.

[16]       As such, this case falls within Roden v. Toronto Humane Society (2005), 259 D.L.R. (4th) 89 (Ont. C.A.), and is entirely distinguishable from Wood, for the reasons noted in the latter by Laskin J.A., at paras. 53 to 55:

53      In Roden, the termination clause in issue stated that the employer, The Toronto Humane Society, could terminate the employment of the plaintiff Roden “upon providing the Employee with the minimum amount of advance notice or payment in lieu thereof as required by the applicable employment standards legislation”: see para. 55. Roden made the same argument as Wood: the termination clause contravened the ESA and was void because it failed to include The Toronto Humane Society’s obligation to continue its contributions to Roden’s benefit plans during the notice period.

54     Gillese J.A., writing for the panel, rejected this argument. In her view, the termination clause was simply silent about The Toronto Humane Society’s obligation to continue to contribute to Roden’s benefit plans. The clause did not contract out of an employment standard and thus was not void. She wrote, at para. 62:

The without cause provisions in question are of precisely the type that Iacobucci J. says are valid: they referentially incorporate the minimum notice period set out in the Act. The without cause provisions do not attempt to provide something less than the legislated minimum standards; rather, they expressly require the Society to comply with those standards. As I have said, in my view, the provisions do not purport to limit the Society’s obligations to payment of such amounts. That is, they do not attempt to contract out of the requirement to make benefit plan contributions. Because the contracts are silent about the Society’s obligations in respect of benefit plan contributions, the Society was obliged to –  and did – comply with the requirements of the Act in that regard.

55     The difference between Roden and this case lies in the wording of each termination clause. In Roden, the clause dealt only with The Toronto Humane Society’s obligation to give the notice of termination, as required by the ESA, or to pay Roden a lump sum for the notice period. It did not exclude The Toronto Humane Society’s additional obligation to continue to contribute to Roden’s benefit plans during the notice period. It said nothing about that obligation.

[17]       As a result, I am of the view that the termination clause in this case does not provide less than the minimum severance obligations under the ESA, and is not void pursuant to s. 5(1).

I agree that when the Court of Appeal pronounces on a relevant legal issue it is binding on the Courts, even other panels of the Court of Appeal ( unless the new panel has 5 judges, which this did not ) .

However this rule does not apply where the comments being relied upon are not relevant to the outcome of the case, what we common law lawyers call ” obiter dictum” .

This is the classic definition of obiter dictum that we all learnt in law school:

A judge’s expression of opinion uttered in court or in a written judgement, but not essential to the decision and therefore not legally binding as a precedent.

In the Roden case the actual issue in dispute was whether or not the employer had just cause for termination. The trial judge held that there was just cause. The Court of Appeal upheld that finding of just cause.

The comments by the Court on the enforceability of the contract therefore were neither relevant or necessary with respect to the outcome of the case. This is classic obiter dicta, which is not binding on other Courts.

From what I can tell about this issue, neither the Court of Appeal in Wood nor in this case were made aware of this obiter dictum argument in relation to the Roden comments.

Since Wood purports to believe that it had to follow Roden,  and Nemeth seems to believe that it had to follow Wood, if in effect the Roden comments  were not precedent setting, then could a future trial judge ignore Roden and decide that that the clause is unenforceable given the 8 Guiding Principles in the Wood decision?

Only time will tell .


21 Years at Company A Plus 1.7 Years at Company B = 10 Months Notice

In Toole v Northern Blizzard Resources ( 2017 CarswellAlb 2692) Master Robertson had a situation where an employee of 21 years was recruited by a headhunter to join  the defendant. The job requirement was that the person have at least 10 years experience in the field. He was let go by the defendant after only 19 months due to an economic downturn.

This is what the Master had to say about the concept of inducement as it affects the notice period;

[20]           The nature of the recruitment, using a recruiter (rather than relying on advertisements in a newspaper, other periodicals, or online), suggests that Northern Blizzard intended to recruit someone who already had employment.  In early 2014, it would have been unlikely, given the minimum 10 years’ experience that it was instructed to seek, that the recruiter would be looking at an employee who did not currently hold a secure position.  In fact, when the recruiter identified Mr. Toole, management decided that he was their first choice, and management knew that he had 21 years’ experience.

[21]           The concept of “inducement” of an employee to leave secure employment involves a spectrum of facts.  At one end is an employee who is already on working notice when he or she is contacted by a recruiter.  That employee would be very motivated to pursue the opportunity, because his or her job is not secure.  At the other end of the spectrum is an employee who is securely employed and not interested in leaving for a new job until the recruiter offers some specific inducement, such as a signing bonus, more valuable benefits, or a better salary.  Most cases are somewhere along the spectrum.

[22]           Mr. Toole was 48 years old when his employment was terminated at Northern Blizzard.  His job title was Senior Development Engineer, and that was a relatively senior position within the company.  He had no reports, but he worked in a relatively niche position in the upstream exploration and development subset of the oil and gas industry.  It was his specialty.  That was what Northern Blizzard wanted; they also wanted someone with some significant experience in the area.  That is why they hired Mr. Toole.

[23]           Mr. Toole was not being hired to work on project work, which is inherently volatile as projects are completed and new ones are started, or not.  His area of work was more stable in nature – that’s why he remained at Devon for 21 years – and long service at Northern Blizzard would have been expected by both parties.

[24]           One of the Bardal factors is length of service, and it often is the single most important factor in assessing “reasonable notice”.  However, in the circumstances of this case it is only a small factor.  When the employer knows that the individual has given up a long-term position – and was recruited for that factor – the actual length of service at the new job becomes only one of several factors to be considered in assessing the reasonable notice period.

[25]           In my view, the facts here suggest that Mr. Toole’s secure employment at Devon should be taken into account, but not to the point that he should be treated as an employee with imputed service of 24 years.  Rather, it is a factor that tends to militate in favour of a somewhat elevated notice period.  It related to their mutual understanding – that he was giving up a secure position and was being hired to a secure position, but with no express promises of just how secure it was.

He awarded 10 months notice.

He also commented on some significant bonus issues. The plaintiff was terminated in December. The bonus was payable the following March.

The bonus plan had the following clause :

You will be eligible to receive an annual bonus.  The annual bonus pool is determined by the Board of Directors and created by achieving corporate targets.  Payment of the 2014 bonuses will be calculated based on achieving corporate targets (50%) and on individual performance (50%).  Annual bonuses are paid in March of the following year and you must be a current employee of Northern blizzard to receive your bonus payment.

The Employer made the usual argument that bessie he was not an employee at the time of the payout he was not entitled to a payout.

The Master had this to say about that argument:

In my view this misses the point: the claim is not for the bonus, but for damages for the loss of the opportunity to earn the bonus, just as the claim is not for the salary that he would have earned, or the benefits he would have enjoyed, but rather for damages for them not being provided because the employer breached his contract of employment because it did not give him reasonable notice of termination.  The only reason he was not a current employee in March 2017 is because Northern Blizzard breached the contract by dismissing him without giving him reasonable notice. This is discussed in Lalonde v Sena Solid Waste Holdings Inc, 2017 ABQB 374 (CanLII) at paragraphs  54-56, citing  Sylvester v British Columbia,1997 CanLII 353 (SCC), [1997] 2 S.C.R. 315 (S.C.C.) and Paquette v TeraGo Networks Inc, 2016 ONCA 618 (CanLII) and other cases.

But the Plaintiff also claimed a pro-rata share of the next years bonus to the end of the notice period. This is what the Master said :

[39]           In addition to the opportunity to receive a bonus in March 2107, the plaintiff claims a pro-rated bonus for those months of 2017 that he would have worked had he been given reasonable notice.  However, this argument would only have traction if the period of reasonable notice would have extended his deemed notice period past March of 2018, and if it did then it would not be pro-rated.  That would be at least 16 months’ of reasonable notice, and his claim does not extend that far. 

[40]           He is not entitled to damages for a lost “2017/payable in 2018” bonus.

Now the kicker. Having found that the Plaintiff was entitled to the bonus that he would have earned had he been allowed to work until the March payout, that number would have been ZERO, because the Defendant ended up having a terrible year and no bonuses were paid out at all.

The Plaintiff said that he should have been paid out the bonus based on prior years performance because his case had crystallized at that point and the actual events following his termination should be ignored.

The Master had no trouble dismissing that argument :

[43]           The concept that the amount of the damages are “crystallized” in this sense is not consistent with the assessment of damages in contract  and tort claims alike.  Courts virtually always look at subsequent events to assess damages.  A victim of a personal injury may have a cause of action in negligence immediately following the injury, but the quantum depends on the extent of the injury, the extent of the recovery, the pace of recovery, lost wages, special damages subsequently suffered, and other factors.  A landlord whose tenant leaves before the lease has expired has a claim for breach of contract for lost rent and occupancy costs but that claim is affected by mitigation efforts, costs and success, and the actual occupancy costs claim that becomes payable after the breach.  A claim for breach of confidence by an employer against a former employee is assessed based on the actual damages suffered, not on a speculative and theoretical estimate of what might happen if the release of the employer’s secrets leads to damages.

[44]           And in a wrongful dismissal claim, the assessment takes into account mitigation and other post-termination factors.  A long-term senior employee who otherwise has a claim for 24 months’ compensation, but who finds a replacement job at comparable compensation only two months later has a claim for two months’ compensation (technically it may be described as a claim for 24 months’ compensation less twenty two-months’ credit for mitigation).

[55]           In a wrongful dismissal claim, there are many questions that must be asked to allow a proper assessment of damages.  Did he find a job?  What is the compensation for it?  Did he refuse to try to mitigate his damages by looking for work when it should have been available?  Did he incur costs in his attempts at mitigation?  Was he able to replace his group benefits at no or little cost by being added to his wife’s benefit plan with her employer?  Did he need dental work that was no longer covered by a dental plan and exceeded the premiums paid for the benefit?   Did he die or become disabled without life or disability insurance during the reasonable notice period, after his entitlement to the group insurance coverage was cancelled?  One can imagine all sorts of post-termination events that inform the assessment of damages.

[56]           In my view, his expectation should be given the proper assessment that it deserves, which is that when March came and went, there was no bonus for anyone.  His damages on that point are the loss of the opportunity to be paid his share of that amount, which was zero.

In other words, when looking at a bonus issue the very first question to ask oneself is:

Assuming that the Plaintiff had been at work at the payout date what would he have received, or what did his peers get as a bonus ?

If the answer is zero or minimal, forget the bonus issue and focus on the notice period.


Div Ct Overturns $7,500 in Mental Distress Claim While SC Awards $250,000 for Similar Behaviour:


In Thambapillai v Labrash Security Services ( 2017 CarswellOnt 19618 ) the Ontario Divisional Court overturned an award of $7,500 given to a 71 year old security guard making $24,000/ year . One of the reasons that the award was given initially  by the trial judge was because the uncertain nature of the termination notice ” left him hanging in the wind for some seven months before his abrupt termination”. The Court did not think that warranted any damages for mental distress.

However the Superior Court in Galea v Wal-Mart Canada ( 2017 CarswellOnt 245) the Court awarded $250,000 in aggravated damages for just such behaviour. In that case Walmart left the Plaintiff, ( a senior executive making hundreds of thousands of dollars)  ” drifting in the wind for almost a year ” from the time they told her that she was being removed from her position until they actually let her go, which was aproximately one year.

In neither case was there any medical evidence presented as to the Plaintiff’s medical condition

.It is difficult how such similar fact situations could result in such different legal outcomes.



Sham Offers of Reemployment After Termination Backfires Big Time :

In Ensign v Price’s Alarm  ( 2009) Ltd ( 2017 BCSC 2137) Kent J. had a situation where a 63 year old Medical Alert Advisor with 12.5 years service making $30,000/year was terminated without cause. After paying only 8 weeks termination pay and then  receiving a demand letter from the Plaintiff, the Defendant made a series of 3 offers of inferior employment with various  conditions attached, which the Plaintiff rejected . The Defendant then  tried to use these rejections to support an argument that the Plaintiff had failed to mitigate his damages.

Not only did the Court find that the Plaintiff’s rejection of these job offers  was well founded and that he had not failed to mitigate his damages, but also that the actions of the employer were so agressive that an award of $25,000 for aggravated damages, in addition to the 12 month notice period was warranted.

This is what the judge had to say:

The evidence of Mr. and Mrs. Ensign on these matters is uncontroverted and while it is uncorroborated by physicians or other third parties, I nevertheless accept it in its entirety.  The defendant was not truthful and candid with Mr. Ensign about the reasons for his termination.  It had the benefit of legal counsel before Mr. Ensign’s working notice period had expired and, given the absence of any written employment agreement limiting notice, must be taken to have known that eight weeks’ notice was woefully inadequate.  Instead of righting the wrong by reinstatement or offering an alternative position with appropriate encouragement, training and remuneration “top ups” or guarantees for the ensuing 10 months, the defendant embarked on aggressive and unmeritorious defence tactics that it must have known would cause financial stress and considerable worry on the part of Mr. Ensign.  There can be no doubt that this is the type of conduct and impact upon a wrongfully dismissed employee that an award of aggravated damages is designed to address.

Whoever said that the ” best defence is an offence” was wrong. This is a prime example of how some Courts will treat overly aggressive litigation tactics that cause real damage to their litigation opponents.

Inflating One’s Position on Job Search Results in Reduction of Notice Period:


In Skov v G&K Services Canada ( 2017 ONSC 6752) Justice Diamond initially set the reasonable notice period for a 54 year old Customer Development Manager with 21 years service at 18 months.

However the Plaintiff had posted in his LinkedIn profile that he had held the position of Director of Process Improvement and Customer Development, a position which did not even exist. Furthermore the Court found that his actual position was not even managerial   and that by limiting his job search to only real managerial jobs, he had ” overshot” by only applying for jobs that he was not qualified for, therefore  he  had  failed to conduct a reasonable job search.

His notice period was reduced by 2 months to 16 months